Wednesday, January 02, 2008


Ok…Its 2008 and by my calculations in a few weeks I maybe one of a few people left in my group at work. Everyone seems to be leaving…its great for Morale. They are all great people but the job has become so unbearable that with the Boss leaving they feel its time for them to get out. Me? I’ll stay.

On News Years Kevin and I went for a drive, most of the stores were closed so we went over to Newkirk Estates ( Where I grew up) and I showed Kevin around the Creek where we used to play and hang out. I showed him the Rock Patio and the Poor scared tree where we all carved our initials. Place look different but the same…the Creek looked wider, The old drainage ditch was allot deeper and down a ways all the houses have been removed from the flood plain. The old Rock that I used to think looked like a Coffin is now washed down and buried into the bank of the White Clay…Though you can still see the remains of where we used to build the damn across the Creek every summer.

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