Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Clockwinder review......Lockout.


Anonymous said...

Bravo! Loving the vlog'ing! Thanks for the heads up, I'll wait until it's free!

Anonymous said...

Another masterful vlog, sir. It's like you were saying the words out loud to me. I actually kinda wanted to see this one, but if they fail on delivering what should be a pretty easy formula, meh indeed.

mattruane said...

More v'logs.

Lawrence Schick said...

"...Talks better than Ebert!"

Dan O. said...

Solid review. Of course you get what you would expect from a B-grade sci-fi flick but it's still a lot of fun and the cast knows how to sell this type of material, as ridiculous as it may be. Guy Pearce also has a blast with this role and it's so great to see that from such a professional like him.